Welcome to Matthew Elementary School in Bonavista, NL. We are a K-6 school serving the communities of Bonavista, Elliston, Spillars Cove, Newman's Cove, Upper and Lower Amherst Cove and Birchy Cove.
February 25th - Pink Shirt Day
February 28th - Kinderstart (No School for Kindergarten Students)
March 7th - Teacher PL (No School for Students)
March 17th - St. Patrick's Day Holiday
March 19th - Report Cards Go Home
March 20th - Parent/Guardian-Teacher Interviews
March 24th-28th - Education Week
March 28th - Kinderstart
April 18th - 27th - Easter Holidays (School reopens on April 28th)
May 16th - Teacher PL (No School for Students)
May 19th - Victoria Day Holiday
May 30th - Kinderstart
June 16th - Teacher PL (No School for Students)
June 26th - Last Day for Students

We are encouraging the use of the Chartwells Online Ordering system. This reduces the amount of money that our canteen workers have to handle and allows them to get orders ready and to students much easier. Click the link above and follow the directions on screen. Should you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you to all of our families who are already using this system.
Breakfast Club Donations
Click below to make a donation to our Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Club. You can identify that the donation is for our school by indicating Matthew Elementary School in Bonavista.
Thank You!
A BIG SHOUT OUT goes to PC Children's Charity for the AMAZING support given to our Breakfast Program.
Thank you!
Below are some videos created for our students during the shut-down due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.